July 4, 2024

How to Setup Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 22.04

Apache Virtual Hosts enable you to host multiple websites on a single server. This procedure can improve the server performance and prevent conflicts between websites.  Furthermore, you can add or remove websites without affecting others.  The primary purpose of this learning-based article is to illustrate how to set up Apache virtual hosts on Ubuntu 22.04

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How to Set Environment Variables in Linux

Environment variables comprise names and values that define the system environment. These variables store essential information, including paths, system names, and other configuration settings. With environment variables, you can automate tasks and control the behavior of programs within the operating system environment. Through this guide, you can set environment variables temporarily, permanently, and globally in

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How to Build Node.js Application With Docker on Ubuntu 22.04

Node.js is widely recognized for its powerful functionalities, including the development of server-side applications using JavaScript. While, Docker is utilized for containerization, packaging, and deploying applications. By integrating Node.js with Docker, you can create portable and consistent environments for your applications across various platforms. This comprehensive guide illustrates the complete process of building a Node.js

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How to Install Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04

Terraform is a popular platform that automates your deployment tasks. It also enables you to build, modify, and version infrastructure efficiently. Terraform facilitates you to manage infrastructure on various cloud providers. This guide aims to elaborate on the process of installing Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04. How to Install Terraform on Ubuntu 22.04? Follow the guidelines

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How To Use Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Files and Directories in Ubuntu 22.04

Rsync (remote sync) is a command line tool for synchronizing files and directories across various machines. You can easily utilize it to transfer data, both locally and remotely. Rsync is commonly used for creating backups and transferring remote files. This article is about how to synchronize local and remote files and folders using Rsync in

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Linux Commands for Checking How Much Space is Left on Disk

Disk space usage in Linux is crucial for maintaining system health and performance. Regularly checking disk space is vital as it ensures efficient utilization of storage resources, prevents system slowdowns or crashes due to full disks, and allows for proactive management of available space. In this article, we’ll explore simple and handy Linux commands that

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How to Use SFTP to Securely Transfer Files with a Remote Server on Ubuntu 22.04?

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a tool provided by OpenSSH. The primary function of SFTP is to encrypt and secure data during network transfers. It is widely used to safeguard and secure sensitive data that only authorized users have access to the data. This article aims to give you an insight into how to

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How to Use Find and Locate to Search for Files on Linux?

Searching for files helps people quickly find important information they need for modification. On Linux, the Find and Locate commands are powerful tools that assist users in efficiently managing and searching the file system. Both of these commands are used to navigate files based on criteria including file type, time frame, or size of the

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How to Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes

Docker is a platform for creating containers, images, and volumes for development purposes. In Docker, an image is a lightweight software package that includes all the essential requirements to run an application across different environments. In other words, a Docker image is a snapshot of a file system along with application code, libraries, and dependencies,

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How to Set Up SSH Keys on Ubuntu 22.04

SSH key is a set of cryptographic keys which is used to create secure communication channels. This key pair is composed of private and public keys and enables secure authentication without the need for passwords. When connecting remotely, the server recognizes your public key and grants you access. SSH uses different algorithms, such as RSA,

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