March 9, 2025

What is VPS and How Does it Work

What is VPS and How Does it Work_

When a particular website is created it initially starts working smoothly but the problem arises when the traffic on the website is increased. It is visited more often than usual. Therefore, it is time to upgrade the website to something better to cater to the website traffic and improve the performance along with other parameters.

This blog post will elaborate on the following aspects of VPS in detail

  • What is VPS?
  • How does VPS work?
  • Types of VPS Hosting
  • Why there is a need for VPS?
  • When to Switch for VPS?
  • Difference between VPS and other types of Hosting
  • Advantages of Using VPS
  • Disadvantages of Using VPS
  • Conclusion

Let us now dive into each topic separately in detail.

What is VPS?

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server and is responsible for providing the virtualized server resource to the physical server which is shared with multiple sources. The term “virtual” indicates the phenomenon of splitting an entire server into various virtual machines. The next term “Private” indicates that the entire virtual system is reserved for you. The last term “Server” is responsible for storing all the data for the files.

To get more clarity let us consider an example of a flat or an apartment in which the entire physical structure is the same but each portion of the apartment has its own bedroom, kitchen, bath, etc., which is basically the VPS.

How Does VPS Work?

The steps discussed below explain the working of the VPS in detail.

  • The first and foremost step involves the installation of a virtual layer on the operating system of the server by the hosting provider.
  • In the next step, the installed virtual layer breaks the server into individual components for each user.
  • Therefore, in this way, the individual virtual machines are created.
  • In these individual components, anything can be installed accordingly as per the need, this includes the required software or the Operating System.
  • This also includes setting up any database like MySQL etc or installation of any Operating System like Linux.

Types of VPS Hosting

Virtual Private server contains three types of hosting that are depicted below.

  • Unmanaged VPS Hosting
  • Managed VPS Hosting
  • Semi-Managed VPS Hosting

Let us further discuss these types in detail to get a clear overview of the concept.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting

This hosting is implemented in a business that is established and requires maintenance from the owner itself. This hosting requires in-house maintenance and extraordinary technical skills and expertise.

Managed VPS Hosting

All the server-related responsibilities are a part of the managed VPS hosting since it updates, maintains, and takes care of all the server-related tasks. The advantage of using managed VPS hosting is that you can concentrate on the business without any worries about the server and other technical tasks and issues.

Semi-Managed VPS Hosting

Semi-managed VPS hosting means that the basic configuration, operating system, and hardware issues are resolved. Plesk or cPanel is an example of semi-managed VPS hosting.

Why There is a Need for VPS?

The situations are mentioned below when the need arises to use the VPS.

  • When there is a need to expand the resources as the resource limitation is reached as prescribed by the hosting provider.
  • The need for VPS arises when there is a requirement for root access to the server.
  • The traffic on the application or the website is increasing rapidly.
  • The need for VPS also arises because the modules or the functionality required are not available by the shared host.

Additionally, when working as a beginner or using WordPress where the traffic is low, VPS is not required.

When to Switch for VPS?

VPS becomes a must when the traffic on the website exceeds 8000 pages daily. In order to control and manage the traffic the VPS becomes important. Additionally, if the website is exceptionally slow, it is the right time to switch to the VPS. Apart from that, websites that contain heavy videos and images that are beyond the strength of the provided shared host, require the use of VPS.

Let us now advance this article by discussing the difference between the VPS and other hosting.

VPS Vs Other Types of Hosting

There is a difference between VPS and other types of hosting. These hostings are depicted below along with the explanation

  • Cloud Hosting
  • WordPress Hosting
  • Shared Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting

Cloud Hosting

In cloud hosting, the cluster runs the cloud and responds to the requests made. The server present in the individual cluster contains the latest copy of the website. If the server is too busy to respond to the current request, the cluster moves the request to the server that is available at the moment to respond to the request.

WordPress Hosting

This hosting is confined to the WordPress site only. The additional WordPress features can be used through this hosting service. The customized built-in servers cannot be used with the virtual private server hosting although the hosting environment can be set up according to the requirement.

Shared Hosting

When the traffic on the website is low, shared hosting is considered as the best option whereas the primary goal for using the VPS is to handle the increase in website traffic. If the traffic exceeds the website, VPS hosting is the best option.

Dedicated Hosting

This hosting option is best for a large business that requires customization and flexibility. If the traffic on the website is quite high, the dedicated hosting is the best option. Compared to VPS which allows the configuration of the server and the Operating system, the dedicated hosting also takes care of the hardware resources along with the software.

Advantages of VPS

Virtual Private Server offers multiple advantages and disadvantages. Following are the advantages of the VPS.

1. Cost Effective

The main advantage of VPS is that it is a cost-effective option, especially for new and medium-sized businesses. It is an affordable option for people with cost constraints in their business.

2. Control Flow

The VPS provides control over the server resources and how these resources are managed and utilized. Therefore it provides a high level of control over the server.

3. Scalability

At the initial level, you can purchase according to the needs and the requirements of the business but slowly you can upgrade to get better resources.

4. Customized

VPS hosting can be customized since it provides root access to the user therefore, the software can be customized according to the need.

5. Security

Security is the most important factor for any application. The risk of security is minimized when using VPS hosting. It consists of enhanced features of security that help to eliminate the risk of security.

6. Dedicated Resources

VPS hosting provides a dedicated CPU and a specific amount of RAM only for your server as compared to shared hosting where resources are shared with various websites which results in certain problems.

7. Performance is Enhanced

Performance is a primary factor while working with the applications online therefore, the performance of the website is increased when VPS hosting is implemented. The websites that use VPS hosting load the pages and the contents within no time and also increase the server response creating an overall better performance.

This concludes the topic of the Virtual Private Server and the information related to it.


The Virtual Private Server deals with all the data and the software that is required to run certain applications or a website. Virtual Private Server has three different types discussed in this article along with the details regarding the working of the VPS, when there is a need to switch to VPS, the comparison of VPS hosting with other hosting, and the advantages and of the VPS.

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